Thursday, January 5, 2012

Our flight overseas and our first few days

The Flight
We all (sans Mike) flew to London on January 2nd. The overnight flight to London was quite manageable--a six hour flight that went quickly with the company of Jason, Amy, and Rachel. Although I didn't sleep at all, I had lots of fun: we had a bit of a photo-shoot on the plane--much to our flight attendants' chagrin. 

Once we landed, we met up with Devon at the airport! 

Day 1

We've spent most of our time shopping for things we need for our rooms like pillows and light-bulbs

We all had a bit of a culture shock when it came to finding certain household items. Apparently, clothes-hangers are a precious commodity in the U.K.  They're extremely difficult to find, and they cost about 5 USD per hanger! I may just have to keep my clothes in my suitcase for a while...

We used our shopping as an excuse to ride the famous red, double-decker buses. We had a photo-shoot there as well. 

We were a little shaken by the fact that we were driving on the other side of the road...I think that's going to take some time to get used to

For dinner so far we've gone to an Italian restaurant where I was so jet lagged I fell asleep at the table.
(No picture, sorry)

A pub:
(crooked photo courtesy of Dev)

I ordered fish and chips (with vinegar) and mashed peas---yum! 

We all also got flavored ciders.

and an Indian Restaurant--our waiter was super friendly, and although Jason got third degree burns on his esophagus, we most definitely will be going back.  

Finally, I will close with some photos of the famous London phone-booths. Since they're my background for this blog, I thought I should post a couple photos of one's I've actually seen:

Alrighty then, that's about it for now. Until next time,


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